How To Redirect Your Post URLs From Your Old Blog into Your Current Blog

Today, I found someone who has a problem: he had an old blog that was replaced by a new blog, but the problem remains that visitors are entering his old blog so they do not find it. He asked for a way to redirect the links of his old blog to his current blog, so i find the solution after an individual effort.

How to solve this problem ?

Let's say your old blog URL is
the current is
First if you deleted it , restore it or create another one with the same link then go to Template >> Edit Template(old blog) and search for this tag </head> and copy paste the code bellow before it
// by
function getSecondPart(str) {
return str.split('://')[1];
var newurl='//' + getSecondPart(window.location.href);

Change The Red with your Old Blog URL and The Blue with Your Current Blog URL(without the HTTP or HTTPS Protocol).
Click Save Template and Enjoy*_*.